The Built-in Command Line PipelineFilter

Keywords: Command Line, Protocol, StringRequestInfo, Text Encoding

What's the Protocol?

What's the Protocol? Lots of people probably will answer "TCP" or "UDP". But to build a network application, only TCP or UDP is not enough. TCP and UDP are transport-layer protocols. It's far from enough to enable talking between two endpoints in the network if you only define transport-layer protocol. You need to define your application level protocol to convert your received binary data to the requests which your application can understand.

The Built-in Command Line PipelineFilter

The command line protocol is a widely used protocols, lots of protocols like Telnet, SMTP, POP3 and FTP protocols are base on command line protocol etc. The CommandLinePipelineFilter is a PipelineFilter which was designed for command line protocol.

The command line protocol defines each request must be ended with a carriage return "\r\n".

If you use the command line protocol in SuperSocket, all requests will to translated into StringRequestInfo instances.

StringRequestInfo is defined like this:

public class StringPackageInfo : IKeyedPackageInfo<string>, IStringPackage
    public string Key { get; set; }

    public string Body { get; set; }

    public string[] Parameters { get; set; }

Because the built-in command line protocol in SuperSocket uses a space to split request key and parameters, So when the client sends the data below to the server:

"LOGIN kerry 123456" + NewLine

the SuperSocket server will receive a StringRequestInfo instance, the properties of the request info instance will be:

Key: "LOGIN"
Body: "kerry 123456";
Parameters: ["kerry", "123456"]

If you have defined a Command with name "LOGIN", the command's ExecuteCommand method will be excuted with the StringRequestInfo instance as parameter:

public class LOGIN : IAsyncCommand<StringPackageInfo>
    public async ValueTask ExecuteAsync(IAppSession session, StringPackageInfo package)
        //Implement your business logic

Customize the Command Line Protocol

Some users might have different request format, for instance:

"LOGIN:kerry,12345" + NewLine

The request's key is separated with body by the char ':', and the parameters are separated by the char ','. This kind of request can be supported easily, just extend the command line protocol like the below code:

public class CustomPackageDecoder : IPackageDecoder<StringPackageInfo>
    public StringPackageInfo Decode(ref ReadOnlySequence<byte> buffer, object context)
        var text = buffer.GetString(new UTF8Encoding(false));
        var parts = text.Split(':', 2);

        return new StringPackageInfo
            Key = parts[0],
            Body = text,
            Parameters = parts[1].Split(',')

// register the custom package decoder through the host builder
