Extend Server Configuration

Keywords: Configuration, Custom Configuration, Extend Configuration

When you implement your socket server by SuperSocket, it is unavoidable to define some parameters in configuration file.The SuperSocket provides a very easy way to store the parameters in your configuration file and then read and use them in AppServer.

Please take a look at the following configuration code:

<server name="FlashPolicyServer"
        serverType="SuperSocket.Facility.PolicyServer.FlashPolicyServer, SuperSocket.Facility"
        ip="Any" port="843"

In above server configuration,the attribute "policyFile" is not defined in SuperSocket, but you also can read it in your AppServer class:

public class YourAppServer : AppServer
    private string m_PolicyFile;

    protected override bool Setup(IRootConfig rootConfig, IServerConfig config)
        m_PolicyFile = config.Options.GetValue("policyFile");

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_PolicyFile))
                Logger.Error("Configuration option policyFile is required!");
            return false;

        return true;

Not only we can add customized attributes in server node, we also can add the customized child configuration like below:

<server name="SuperWebSocket"
        ip="Any" port="2011" mode="Tcp">
        <!--Your configuration-->

A configuration element type is required:

/// <summary>
/// SubProtocol configuration
/// </summary>
public class SubProtocolConfig : ConfigurationElement
    //Configuration attributes
/// <summary>
/// SubProtocol configuation collection
/// </summary>
public class SubProtocolConfigCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
    //Configuration attributes

Then you can read the child configuration node in your AppServer:

public class YourAppServer : AppServer
    private SubProtocolConfigCollection m_SubProtocols;

    protected override bool Setup(IRootConfig rootConfig, IServerConfig config)
        m_SubProtocols = config.GetChildConfig<SubProtocolConfigCollection>("subProtocols");

        if (m_SubProtocols == null)
                Logger.Error("The child configuration node 'subProtocols' is required!");
            return false;

        return true;